We boast of our commitment to community involvement, and here’s proof. Springer 5’s Jeanie Springer-Knight is acknowledged as the true visionary that she is. Together with Rio Ranch mayor Gregg Hull, she has big ideas for Rio Rancho’s future. See more in this article in Albuquerque Business First!
The Visionary: Jeanie Springer-Knight
Rio Rancho returned to the spotlight in 2014, mostly for positive reasons.
The city elected a new, development-and-business-friendly mayor in Gregg Hull. And one of the biggest forces behind the city’s surge was Jeanie Springer-Knight.
Springer-Knight is a partner in Springer5 Investments and the daughter of Franz Springer. Springer, who died in 2012, was a commercial contractor who purchased raw land in Rio Rancho’s Unser Boulevard corridor before development in the area had begun to progress and before interest was significant.
Springer-Knight has become a major development force in the city — her flagship is Unser Pavilion, with WisePies, Prime, Einstein Bros Bagels, Subway and more. But she has also led the charge for Rio Rancho collaboration as one of the main organizers of NAIOP-New Mexico’s new Rio Rancho Roundtable, which met throughout the year at sold-out events. NAIOP is the commercial real estate development association. She has mobilized investors and joined forces with city government on development issues. Springer-Knight is also the force behind the newly branded Unser Gateway, which includes Unser Pavilion and eventually some of her future projects, including Springer Plaza.
Springer’s Rio Rancho Effect
Franz Springer dies; his daughter, Jeanie Springer-Knight, and brother, Eric Springer, launch into commercial work on Unser.
Springer-Knight’s Unser Pavilion is completed and enjoys strong tenant leasing. She also is the force behind an influential new NAIOP-New Mexico arm — the Rio Rancho Roundtable.